Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Broken HeArT pICtUrE!


Yesterday, during assembly, do you guys remember that Ms Selena (our school counsellor) gave a talk on Counselling @ ESSS? Wow, she told us during recess on monday (before the assembly) that she was quite stressed about that talk later she's gonna give during assembly. Quote " I like to talk but I don't like to give talks." Haha :).. But her talk was ok after all..

Aiyo.. During art yesterday, we need to do draw out the textture of sandpaper and leave with a chalk. Almost everybody in class dirtied their uniform by accidentally touching their uniform with their dirty fingers. Lucky my chalk marks were covered my tie.. Some classmates had really huge chalk marks on their uniform! I also have a mark on my sleve. Hope the marks can be washed away.

Plus, Kareema and the rest kept on saying I'm the cutest one.. Seriously.. I don't think I'm that CUTE... and plus.. I WAS once like a gangster (Pri 4 the time).. Can't believe that right?? Haha, it's true.. but I give up on being a "zha bo" (girl) gangster liaoz.. Luckily I quit if not I comfirm won't study express.. Haha.. Thanks to Mrs Kok.. if not I really don't know how I'll look like now.. maybe in Girls' Home? Maybe not that bad lar.. Wah.. I only be gangster for 1 week than I quit.. Haha!

Today, nothing to blog about.. Later going maths tuition with Sharon C. (One of miie "sisters 4 eva") I love (as sisters) Tamelia L, Sharon C forever and forever!

Gotta go,

P.S. Found this picture on the net. Quite nice! Enjoy!

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